What's Your Flavour?

5 cherry ice lollies laid out on a marble counter with halved and whole cherries scattered around

Your 'flavour' is how you show your personality online - in black and white. Lots of coaches, consultants and other businesses have a 'vanilla' flavour online, their website & messaging is bland, they don’t describe how much they love working with their clients, they don’t tell you who they love to work with, they don’t EXCITE!

So how do you make yourself a Raspberry Ripple or Salted Caramel flavour to stand out? How do show up and differentiate YOU from the rest?

Here's some tips!

1. Don't speak about yourself in the 3rd person

This removes you from being directly involved with your potential client. You need to be involved with your potential client for mt he start with your copy on your website and your offerings - they need to feel that they’re coming from you, not a robot!

2. Don't call yourself 'We' if you're actually an 'I'

Own the fact that you're both CEO & bottle washer in your business. People won't think any less of you if you're a sole trader. You may not have a team (yet!), but that’s OK, people buy from people, make them want to buy from you!

3. Tell people about your ‘likes’

What could you talk about for hours on end? What do you love about working with your clients? What do you love about your industry? What excites you about the future of your industry?What show or film on Netflix do you watch again and again? What’s your guilty pleasure? Your likes will either engage or repel potential clients. and that’s OK too, we can’t (and don’t want to!) appeal to everyone.

4. What are your ‘dislikes’?

What annoys you on a regular basis? What do you dislike about your industry? What do you wish your industry would do differently? What do you wish humanity would do differently? If you could change just one thing about life on earth, what would you change? Again, you’re attracting your ideal client here who may agree with your standpoints and you’re repelling people who have very different opinions to you (and therefore are not your ideal paying client, so it’s a win-win situation!).

5. Share your Quirks

What are your idiosyncrasies, the weird or unusual things about you that you’re happy to share? What thrills you, what embarrassing story do you have from childhood, teenagehood, adulthood, your first days, weeks and months in business? What mistakes did you make, and how can you help others learn from them? Sharing these stories and quirks makes you even more relatable, personable, and creates the ‘Like, Know and Trust’ factor. People love a funny, quirky or embarrassing story - it’s just the human condition!

By following these steps, you're attracting the right people and repelling others. People who like your personality, likes, dislikes and opinions will want to work with you more, will be curious about you, and want to know more about how you can help them.

I love helping people find their uniqueness and mission in business so get in touch!

I have a 7 free Business Breakthrough Calls for November - click on the link to book a call and let’s discuss ways to find your flavour and build your profitable business through tailored strategy, laser focus and a positive mindset.


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